Saving The Panther Lancers Part 2: First attempt!

This is the first result of my Panther Lancer rescue attempt.

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I am pretty happy with the result, but I will try to make the arms better proportioned in the next one. I will also see if I can do anything about the big hands. The shield comes from E-M4 miniatures where you can buy a bag of 50 mixed shields for £1.02!

I will probably explain more thoroughly in a later post how the conversion was done.

Saving the Panther Lancers Part 1: Review and parts breakdown


Image from

In my 2013 Mantic crazybox I got six Basilean Panter Lancers, and thus they became the most awkward miniatures in my collection. They are a odd bunch, some parts are well sculpted, others not. Some parts are well proportioned, others way off. It almost as if the parts were made separately and then added up to make the model. There are also some design choices I don’t agree with, but this is a separate issue from the problems with execution of the design. I will come back to both as I go through the parts of the miniature.

The plan is to try and “save” these miniatures, making them look good without completely remaking them.


Looking just at these they seem fine. Questionable cup size though.

sisters_heads The heads are a mixed bag. the faces are ok. Top left, is that a braid or an anaconda. Hooded ones boring. The necks are way to long, the heads doesn’t fit on the bodies. sisters_armsI really don’t know what is going on with does forearms, did they use Photoshop Disasters as an anatomy reference while sculpting? The hands are also very big. I also don’t like how the the left arm is empty, it think it is supposed to look like it is holding reins, but it just looks odd.sisters_saddleSaddles, wont use these. Looks heavy and awkward for riders that are supposed to look light and nimble. The feet wont even rest properly in the weird platform stirrups.sisters_cats

The panthers are ok, but the leaping one is a bit questionable in a unit.

So to sum it up, this is what needs to be done.

  • Shorten neck, fit.
  • Shorten forearms.
  • Reposition arms so the pose is better.
  • Sculpt some kind of more reasonable saddle.
  • Add a shield or something to the left arm.

This might sound negative, but they are cheap if you get them from Mantic and it will probably be fun to fix them.